Whale Watching Guidelines

»Be cautious and courteous — approach areas of known or suspected marine mammal activity with extreme caution. Look in all directions before planning your approach or departure.

»Reduce speed to less than seven knots when within 400 meters of the nearest whale. Avoid abrupt course changes.

»Avoid approaching closer than 200 meters
to any whale.

»Stop immediately and allow the whales to pass if the vessel is unexpectedly within 100 meters.

»Keep clear of the whales’ path and avoid positioning within the 400 meter area in the path of the whales.

»Stay on the offshore side of the whales when they are traveling close to shore. Remain at least 200 meters offshore at all times.

»Limit viewing time to a recommended maximum of 30 minutes.

»Do not swim with or feed whales.

Porpoises & Dolphins

»Observe all guidelines for watching whales and observing marine life.

»Do not drive through groups of porpoises or dolphins for the purpose of bow-riding.

»Reduce speed gradually and avoid sudden course changes, should dolphins or porpoises choose to ride the bow wave of vessel.

Seals, Sea Lions & Birds on Land

»Avoid approaching closer than 100 meters to any marine mammals or birds.

»Slow down and reduce your wake/wash and noise

»Pay attention and back away at the first sign of disturbance or agitation.

»Be cautious and quiet when around haulouts and bird colonies, especially during breeding, nesting and pupping seasons (generally May to September).

»Do not swim with or feed any marine mammals or birds.